Try Parkrun

Bungarribee Park Bungarribee Park, Western Sydney Parklands

Venue: Bungarribee Park, Western Sydney Parklands Every Saturday at 8am Parkruns are held around the country every Saturday morning. Try Rooty Hill Parkrun or another closest to you! Find out more

Swap a snack

If your daily snacking habits involve a sugary muffin, cookie, pastry or chocolates, try setting yourself a starting goal of 2 or 3 days a week where you swap this for fresh fruit and yoghurt or veggie sticks and hummus. Get more tips on healthy living on Live Life Get Active blog Find Out More

Walk for 30 minutes today

Exploring Western Sydney Parklands is guaranteed to get your heart-rate up! There are 70km of tracks and trails in the Parklands, ready for walking and jogging as well as hiking and cycling. See the Tracks and trails digital map to find out about each route. Find Out More

Try Parkrun

Bungarribee Park Bungarribee Park, Western Sydney Parklands

Venue: Bungarribee Park, Western Sydney Parklands Every Saturday at 8am Parkruns are held around the country every Saturday morning. Try Rooty Hill Parkrun or another closest to you! Find out more

Try these tips to healthier eating

Healthy eating will help to: Improve your energy levels Improve your workout performance and recovery Reduce brain fog - Stabilise your mood Keep your body functioning properly Reduce your risk of becoming ill and developing some diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers Improve your sleep Improve your stress levels Find out more

2kg Challenge